Unlocking the Power of Program Evaluation for Nonprofits

In the nonprofit sector, program evaluation isn’t just a checkbox - it’s a key process that drives real impact. By evaluating their programs effectively, nonprofits can measure success, find growth opportunities, and make the most of their resources. Data is at the heart of this process. It provides a clear, objective view of what’s working and what’s not, helping organizations to make smart decisions to enhance their programs and achieve greater results.

Read on for some great  examples of how Impactful Insights has teamed up with incredible organizations to understand their program’s impact and identify areas of strength and opportunity. These stories show how data can transform nonprofit efforts and offer practical strategies to boost your mission too.

Spotlight on STEMblazers

Setting Clear Goals to Empower the Next Generation of Women in STEM

One standout example of the importance of program evaluation is STEMblazers, a Denver-based nonprofit on a mission to inspire girls to see themselves in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math careers. With a vision of a future where women are equally represented in the STEM workforce, STEMblazers offers after-school programs, events, and support for students traditionally underrepresented in these fields.

When STEMblazers needed a better way to show their program’s value, we joined forces to redefine their evaluation goals and set meaningful benchmarks. We developed effective data collection tools and worked closely with chapter leaders to support data collection efforts. With the collected data, we put together a detailed report highlighting member experiences, progress toward goals, and clear recommendations for improvements. This helped ensure that STEMblazers’ programming continued to support its important mission.

Best Practice: Start with a Plan
A common mistake is diving into data collection without a clear plan, which can lead to data that doesn’t align with your goals. To avoid this, start with a well-defined evaluation plan that outlines your goals and success criteria. Clearly state what you want to measure and why. This will help you create effective data collection tools and focus on the areas that matter most.

Spotlight on Services for Independent Living

Promoting Independence Through Rigorous Evaluation

Services for Independent Living (SIL) is another nonprofit that shows the  importance of  rigorous  program evaluation. In 2023, SIL launched the Missouri Centers for Independent Living Demonstration Project to assess and promote their services across the state. They needed to ensure their approach would meet objectives, deliver accurate results and help secure future funding.

We partnered with SIL to review their study design, pinpointing issues with population selection, data capture, and statistical validity. Our recommendations led to crucial adjustments, ensuring the study would provide meaningful and actionable insights.

Best Practice: Ensure Statistical Validity in Your Study Design
Taking the time to ensure statistical validity in your study design is key to drawing accurate and meaningful conclusions. This involves careful consideration of population selection, data capture methods, and approaches to drawing statistical inferences. Reviewing and refining your approach early can prevent costly mistakes and ensure that your data provides the insights you need.

Spotlight on the

Kramden Institute

Bridging the Digital Divide with Data

Another powerful example of program evaluation in action is the Kramden Institute, which provides technology tools and training to bridge the digital divide. To ensure their Computer Basics class for adults is meeting student’s needs, they use pre- and post-class surveys to measure comfort with computer concepts and gather valuable feedback.

As Kramden’s program grew and started attracting state and federal support, they needed a more robust and scalable measurement process. We worked with them to enhance their evaluation methods by using advanced statistical methods,  creating detailed data outputs, and automating report creation. This not only helped them draw more accurate conclusions but also provided valuable insights for communications and fundraising.

Best Practice: Leverage Automation for Scalable Reporting
As your programs grow, so does the need for scalable and repeatable reporting processes. Automating data analysis and report generation can save time, reduce errors, and ensure consistency. Though this requires some investment in resources up-front, it will pay off in the long run.

Program evaluation is more than just collecting data—it’s about using that data to drive real, positive change. While there are many best practices to consider, focusing on starting with a solid plan, ensuring statistical validity, and  leveraging automation are key steps to making the most of your evaluation efforts. By applying these strategies, your organization can uncover valuable insights that will empower your mission and maximize your impact.


Design with Purpose: Using Data to Lay the Foundation for Program Success