Reporting & statistical analysis

Kramden Institute

The Mission

Providing technology tools and training to bridge the digital divide.

The Situation

In order to understand the effectiveness of the Kramden Institute’s Computer Basics class for adults and identify areas for improvement, pre- and post-class surveys are utilized to understand students’ comfort level across categories of computer literacy, and to capture additional feedback.

As Kramden’s program experienced growth, and begun to capture support from state and federal funding, it was important to ensure that measurement methods were robust and accurate, as well as scalable and repeatable.

Solutions Delivered

  • Re-developed existing process to build in more robust statistical methodology and a curated set of data outputs, improving Kramden’s ability to draw clear and accurate conclusions from the data, as well as providing valuable insights for use in its fundraising efforts.

  • Built semi-automated process to generate ongoing reports based on survey data inputs.

  • Provided training for Kramden staff on report creation and troubleshooting.