Survey data analysis & data presentation

North Missoula Community Development Corporation

The Mission

Building community power, thriving neighborhoods, and affordable homes.

The Situation

North Missoula Community Development Corporation (NMCDC) conducted an extensive and complex survey of neighborhood residents, and were “drowning in the data once it was collected.” The data returned required significant processing, cleanup, and analysis in order to glean an understanding of neighborhood residents’ profiles, attitudes, and needs and extract actionable insights to drive NMCDC’s priorities and programming.

In partnership with Climate Smart Missoula (CMS), the survey also included a set of questions which supported research around the impacts of wildfire smoke on Missoula’s most vulnerable populations.

Solutions Delivered

  • Processing of complex survey data, and curation of data outputs into appropriate formats for various audiences, including:

  • Reference document for NMCDC staff, including a detailed set of summary statistics, graphs, and word clouds for 67 survey questions.

  • A clear and compelling slide deck for a broader neighborhood audience, outlining key findings and highlighting NMCDC actions driven by survey results.

  • A presentation for the University of Montana Center for Population Health research symposium.

"Our organization conducted a very long and in-depth survey of neighborhood residents and we were sort of drowning in the data once it was collected. Beth brought significant expertise in analysis to the project, and was able to help us craft a story that was both true to the data and solutions-oriented for the community. She helped move our project forward to completion using kind, thoughtful communication and curiosity. Beth not only is an expert in data analysis, but she was able to bring our survey results to life in a visually appealing deck that we now have on-hand as a resource that can be shared out to stakeholders. We would not have achieved the same degree of accuracy and professionalism in this project if we had not worked with Beth!”

—Brittany Palmer, North Missoula Community Development Corporation